I've recently found myself to be in one of those retreating stages. It's that kind of stage where you would rather sit in bed without any makeup on and read a sarcastic and witty memoir like Bitter Is The New Black (I've laughed out loud several times already, and I'm not even halfway through. Just hilarious. Thank you, God!) or watch reruns of your favorite 90s television show. (Boy Meets World, oh how I long for you.) What can I say. It's the grandma in me.Or maybe it's the girl in me? Or my childlike qualities coming out from the woodworks? Who knows. I don't but then again do I really even care why? Nope.
February was rough but somehow I managed to squeeze in some fun time while stuck at my friends place during that artic blizzard the entire nation seemed to be dealing with and spent time with a few I haven't seen in awhile (I had the pleasure of tasting the most delicious Quiche made by a truly delightful companion of mine. Mmmm...cheese, mushrooms, and a thick, delicious crust)
But it's a new month, and the next couple are going to be swamped with things to do. So here are a few things I'm looking forward to. Catch you on the flip side. (What does that even mean?)
1. Le Peep...is Le Wonderful
I had never been to Le Peep until last week. The most vivacious woman with a teeny, tiny waist greeted us with the widest smile I'd ever seen. The Zues Salad...well, to play off the pun, is a salad of the gods. I was starving and not to be too dramatic, but it felt like an orgasm in my mouth. All that feta cheese and tender chicken breast...mmm. You might think about going on Tuesdays in the afternoon. They'll knock a few dollars off your ticket.
2. Luri and Wilma Magazine
You're gonna wanna take notes on this one, ladies. We're getting ready to launch this hip new up-and-coming eco-friendly, green fashionista magazine for all your feel good needs.
Porsha is genius and also kind enough to let me be a part of her creative endeavors by granting me permission to do the editing for the mag. You might also find me heading up some of L and W's restaurant reviews. Projected launch of the first issue is set for some time this summer so stay tuned. Until then, check out the beginnings of the website. http://www.lwmagonline.com/
3. Dallas Theater Center's 2011 and 2012 Season
In case you didn't know before, I'm a theater geek, and when I read the new season for Dallas Theater Center I seriously wanted to click my sparkly heels together three times and say "There's no place like home". Yup, there's no place like the Dallas Theater either. Check it out. From classic novels, to historic Hollywood icons, to even William Shakespeare, DTC has it all.
That's all for now, Folks. Happy Monday!
(photo from DTC)