Food. Food is delicious, delectable, yummy, scrumptious and just plain 'ole fing good.
I started doing food reviews when I was a junior in college. I guess you could call me a food snob. (In fact, please do. I consider it a compliment and not an insult. Afterall, that's what the column at the newspaper was called: Food Snobs.)
I'm always thinking about trying new places to eat. I love food, I love taking pictures of food and I like writing about food because if you think about it, food represents a hell of a lot more than just taste buds, tongues and happy stomachs. It is often an art form and food from different cultures tastes like, looks like and smells like its very own personality. (I'm partial to Thai and Sushi...oh, and I have an addiction to the Mexican drink Horchata..mmmm.)

So with this love for what I like to call "Comida Culture", I decided this past weekend that I wanted to try a place in Deep Ellum called AllGood.
Now OK, I want to be completely honest with anyone who might be reading this and say I had never been to the Deep Ellum area and because I have no sense of direction, I had to turn around a few times before I found the cafe off the corner of Walton and Main. ( In my defense there are way too many one way streets and merges. It's not the most obvious location if you've never been to that part of the city.)

It was around 11 a.m. when we got there so I decided to go for their short stack of blueberry pancakes, which was absolutely delicious and extremely filling. (I can't even imagine how big the tall stack would've been) It's a decently priced place, and the staff seems to be hip and young. (Our waitress even confessed to accidentally walking in on someone while they were in the bathroom because she didn't think anyone was in there. Hey, it happens and makes you human. Maybe whoever was in there should've locked the door!)
AllGood, you are delicious all day everyday. This Food Snob wishes she lived close by because if she did, she'd be all good all the time.
Link to their webpage: